SONY "CARTER" Title Sequence
I conceptualized, designed the concept boards and directed the Title Sequence for Sony´s brand new show "CARTER" while I was working as a Creative Director for
For the Titles I represented the travel (and troubles) of the Hollywood actor and series star Harley Carter (Jerry O'Connell) that returns to his hometown in Canada after a public meltdown. Partnering with his police detective friend, he tries to use his acting experience to solve real crimes.

Concept Art & Storyboard
Here are some of the sketches that I did for the concept boards.

Creative Direction and Concept Design: Martin Ferdkin
Graphic Design: Malena De Luca & Maria Pia Vivo
Illustrations: Rocio Cueto
Illustration Pitchs: Malena De Luca & Vero Escalante
Traditional 2D Animation: Angela Constantino
2D/3D Animation: Horacio Herrero
Production: Sofia Teodoro
Produced by Superestudio & Lamole
Executive Creative Director SE: Ezequiel Rormoser
Executive Producer SE: Marcos Torres
Production Director: Ignacio Rojo